Basic Option Strategies
Investors can use options to insure against a stock price drop, speculate on a stock’s future price direction, or generate cash from a long-term investment.
Investors can use options to insure against a stock price drop, speculate on a stock’s future price direction, or generate cash from a long-term investment.
How does an option spread trade make a profit up-front, and yield its maximum profit if the underlying stock doesn’t move at all? An iron condor does both.
Buying a stock is easy. Selling for profit is hard. The PSAR technical analysis indicator tool provides excellent trailing stop loss recommendations.
CAN SLIM is an acronym for what? How do investors profitably use this strategy?
Most investors would love to trade with Warren Buffet. By following changes in institutional ownership a trader can do just that. Here are the steps how…
The 50 day moving average is a simple but powerful indicator of what is really happening behind the scenes. How does it work? What are the signals to buy and sell?
Why should you follow the commitment of traders report? Also known as the COT, this report provides key information that allows individuals to get answers… Read More »Commitment of Traders – The Secrets This Report Possesses
Technical analysis of stock trends is a vital skill to trading. What are the market signals? What online help is available in the form of charts and indicators?
Turnaround in stock trading is when falling stock turns around and increases in price. Investors can make money trading stocks when this occurs.
Passive investing is a trading strategy that has certain advantages. Instead of capitalizing on short term volatility, it acts on long term growth.