Low Price to Earnings Ratio: Cheap Stock or Junk Shares?
Warren Buffet and other value investors use price to earnings ratios as one stock selection method. Is a low PE still relevant?
Warren Buffet and other value investors use price to earnings ratios as one stock selection method. Is a low PE still relevant?
Value investors are familiar with market to book value, and for good reason. What does this metric really tell you?
How does one determine the relative value of a stock? What makes the stock undervalued? What methods can an investor use to screen and profit from such a setup?
Which are the best stocks to buy, own, and trade? This article will give customized stock picks based on some expert screening for value and growth.
Which stock market charting sites are free? How can charts improve an investors trading? And which trading signals work well with the historical charts?
Stock market investment is different from acquiring a business. Investors are interested more in the reasonableness of the stock market valuation of their shares.
Capitulation, or panic selling in stock trading is when high volumes of traders, afraid of risk, bail on stock, effectively driving its price down.
The following is a list of terms and phrases, prefixed with the word “investment” essentially used in trading stock exchanges. By definition, investment is an asset held… Read More »Glossary of Investment Terms in Trading Stock: Phrases and Definitions
Quotations on the stock market, share trading, investment, speculation and other insights from prominent leaders and writers.
Crowd or herd mentality behaviour investing describes how investors make decisions to sell or buy stocks based on emotional and psychological impulses.